December 27, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
zoom and in person

In person and Zoom Class available

For those feeling called to these unique teachings, { P A U S E } inJOY philosophy and and way please fill out and email application here.  Patti has met with all potential students for twenty years as she believes choosing your teacher is as much part of the attunement as the attunement itself. We all know when things are right, aligned and calling us as energy always reveals to us what we need to read, to know and process.

Please download and fill out application


{P A U S E } inJOY Reiki I is an untangling of your energy with others as well as harnessing your own energetic integrity and energetic spherical field. This level is a re-connection to your true self maybe even the self you have suppressed. This SELF may be a familiar to you, or be an emergence of your own truth. This untangling, tuning-in and turning on through the attunement is the beginning of a journey home to the heart of your joy. Some of us deviated so far from our own compass, our center and truth that it is hard to see our true self from the programs we have bought into over the years.  This re-connection to who we truly are reset the system of our health physically, mentally and spiritually to be the person we came here to be. Your tuning is unique to you and learning practice of tuning back in as well as keeping your channel clear sounds self-evident but how many times do we know intellectually what we should and could do but go against the grain of our own self.  Policing boundaries, being coerced, manipulated and people pleasing begins to melts away as not only will you wake up but the truth of who you are begins to emerge. This level is you discovering you, the unique essence that has always been you, the joy lies within you waiting to be tapped into while reestablishing healthy relationships authentically.

Sometimes we spread ourselves too thin, over-extending our energetic reserves as depletion from running on empty can take its toll.  Your tuning-in to yourself, to life and to Spiritual Consciousness awakens dormant potential for you to live the full rich healthy life you came here to experience.  Re-uniting the mind, body and soul principles in practical terms expands the consciousness to fulfill the secret dream, the suppressed knowing and vision you came here to realize is now possible and the mission.  To have energy on tap, as you tap into the grid of Spiritual Consciousness Energy the guidance is immeasurable. Refocusing our balance between the subtle life-force energy with physical matter presents opportunities to shift, align and capture the abundance of health, well-being and prosperity with more ease and joy.  Your intuition will be acted upon and trusted as a larger spectrum of possibilities reveal themselves delivering new creative potential as fears, anxiety and procrastination are not running the show.

You are also about to integrate the perceived ego as the  determiner of your energy than the saboteur of your life. How do you know you are sabotaging yourself, how do you know you are being oppressed, how do you know you are pretending to be small – because deep down you know and now the game of hide and seek with yourself is over or you would not be reading this.  All students committing to this screen-shot-2020-03-04-at-10-24-31-pmpath meet with Patti prior to class as choosing your Teacher is as much a part of the attunement as the attunement itself.


  • Exploring awareness and consciousness through {P A U S E} inJOY philosophy
  • Integration of practices for your mind, body and soul
  • Visualization Meditation and attunement experience
  • Scanning bio-energy field of recipient’s body
  • Receiving and giving a Reiki treatment.
  • Tuning your own system and understanding the deteminer of your energy
  • Medical benefits of Reiki.
  • { P A U S E } inJOY Meditation prescription, practice and Sadhana.
  • Re-establishing your know-er.
  • Commitment and forging discipline of practice.

You will read the {P A U S E} inJOY Reiki I book written by Patti prior to class as the book is an energetic pre-attunement prior to class. These books are not for casual reading as without the action it can cause a disruption in your life.






















