{ P A U S E } inJOY Reiki III is Masters Practitioner offers students the energy of the Master symbol without FULLY INTENTIONALLY COMMITTING to teach students. At least 30 days preparation prior to class is required for your metaphysical presentation to deliver to the inspire and uplift the community, stand in your connection and unique knowing. You will learn to intone all of using the ancient art of the Kotodama, channeling energy through sound to activate your alignment deeper to emanate the vibration outwardly. The outside world will now reflect your inner world and vice versa world as the clearing and cleaning process through the hall of mirrors is polished and completed . Each symbol will open your mind to the elements dimension as well as the heart opening gateway used in healing attunements. You will learn the ancient technique of psychic surgery to remove blockages, obstacles, pain, limitation and physical obstructions to release energy feeding physical, mental and spiritual bodies in conjunction with Dynamic Tapping.
All repeat classes are 50% off for current students wanting to refresh with their Teacher, or just want another two days connecting, re-attuned and re-membering.
- Transmuting the narrative to propel the story forward
- Entering the Hall of Mirrors clearing and cleaning the way forward
- Seeing with no judgment beyond the limits of your mind
- Deepening your connection the { P A U S E } inJOY Reiki attunement of Master Practitioner
- The Mastering all four energetic streams to use in a treatment, healing attunement and surgery.
- Performing and receiving Psychic Surgery
- Intoning the ancient art of Kotodama
- Learning the ceremony of the “Healing Attunement” for use in Community Circles
- Presenting a Metaphysical Talk, Interactive or Workshop (20-30mins)
- Agreement to facilitate six Community Circles as your seva, if you live outside LA you will self-organize circles in your area and invite Patti to at least three.
Please email Patti with any question in regards to { P A U S E } inJOY Reiki III and to receive the preparation work at least one month before class begins. Your presentation to the Pause inJOY community will be 20-30 minutes on any metaphysical subject close to your heart or even closed to your heart. This presentation is without limits and is yours to write, deliver or perform as audience participation is up to you. Be original, be bold and know your audience is open to your connection, your vision and your knower.