January 26, 2025 @ 5:55 pm – 6:45 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
On Zoom
PiJOY M E D I T A T I O N @ On Zoom

{ P A U S E } inJOY M I N D ~ F I E L D   M E D I T A T I O N
January 5th,  12th, 19th and 26th 5.55pm – 6.45pm PST

“Meditation is not brain science, but science is interested on it’s effects on the brain.” ~ Patti Penn

Welcome, Joy Bringer; this will be a soft offering to a more formal class in February on Zoom. There will be no handouts but a short discussion then delving into the energy we create to { P A U S E } inJOY together in meditation.

Due to the overwhelming response and recent surge in sacred downloads, I’m thrilled to announce that our { P A U S E } inJOY Meditations will begin this Sunday. Many participants reported more significant focus, enhanced gratitude, and a deeper daily awareness—allowing them to see and appreciate the often-overlooked details before they slip away.

This meditation series is infused with Spiritual Consciousness, tapping into the quantum field of pure Consciousness that cannot be manipulated or hacked. It’s a sacred space—the sanctum sanctorum—that we, as laypeople, can access with reverence and humility. You’re joining an incredible, supercharged community, and we’re excited to have your unique energy in the mix. Let’s step into 2025 together, inJOY, and welcome 11/11 with our 11 minutes of potency going into orbit.

“During our class meditation I did not notice a vision but rather a palpable surge in energy through my eyes- releasing tears the entire meditation.” ~ Eleni 

They say it takes 21 days to break a habit, so it stands to reason it takes 21 days to create one, and in our case, this January will be 28. We all know how vital meditation is—to hear the inner voice, you must first quiet the mind’s chatter. By honing in on the sacred { P A U S E }, you override the mental noise, dropping into your magnetic heart, which is already attuned for JOY. This meditation clears the mental clutter created by imagery, media bombardment, and constant suggestions that play on your fears or undermine your worthiness.

Each week, we’ll dive deeper into this sacred { P A U S E }, tuning in to notice what truly matters. There’s no need to reject or “overcome” mind chatter; instead, you’ll learn to recognize it for what it is. By attuning inwardly, you naturally tune out distractions, allowing you to experience the grace of life from within. In my teaching, I view meditation as an “artificial act” only because we’ve become so detached from our authentic selves, hidden behind social masks we no longer need.

There is no need to know Reiki to join, but you can benefit from its presence. The { P A U S E } inJOY energy field has been carefully cultivated for you to experience, use, and inJOY over two decades. This will be an uncomplicated, joyful embrace of you, as you are, held in the O Consciousness of your knowing and owning the love that flows through you, always.

Over these four weeks, we’ll continue building our practice, adding layers to the { P A U S E }, as our Reiki practice enriches the connection we share and deepens the joy we experience. All are welcome to benefit from this life-force energy and tap into the nectar of the Source of Good available to us all.

Join us, novice to experienced meditators, as we fortify the energy we came here as and continue to fight to remain part of. I will do this on IG LIVE and YouTube Live to settle our nervous systems together and will formally teach the class next month on Zoom. So, this is a soft offering for all, and if you wish to donate to support my work, I will return that with the joy and blessings of this practice.