534 N La Cienega Blvd B
West Hollywood
CA 90048
Our monthly Reiki circles always have their own unique energy and this one will be no exception. In 2009 I had the honor of being attuned by the Dalai Lama’s Oracle to the Green Tara in a blessing. This female Buddha in Vajrayana is very dear to me and potent for what we are accomplishing this year through conscious action. She is the “Mother of Liberation” and represents virtues of success in work and achievements as it is through those achievements we can inspire the next generation, generate togetherness and harvest the oneness of sharing our talents, givings and wisdom. The Green Tara Mantra will be available on our website on 2.22 it is extremely potent for our community as we have been chanting it for years.
Our Reiki Circles are for ALL whether you are a practitioner of Reiki or just in-joy receiving some well-needed boosts, restoring and shifts of energy to the heart center. Patti brings the Pause in Joy philosophy alive bringing her own lineage of neolithic Celtic circles to create a vortex of energy for us all to feast upon. Take what you need and cast away what doesn’t serve you, embrace what you know must go and incarnate the life in this life you came here to live. The circle is in two parts, the first half Patti will guide us into Spiritual Conscious Energy through her unique connection to go into the heart of matter. Each person will receive a heart Reiki healing attunement to tune you into your own courage, your own wholeheartedness, your own bravery and your own abundance as we reactivate your body’s natural intelligence to heal, to expand and to become light.
Each circle produces an expression of all those that have gathered with its own frequency everyone can use to receive epiphanies, a deep sense of connection, an inner peace, a lightness, a blessing or the ability to stay longer pausing in your Joy. The second half is a blending of all our energies to together as we in-joy the sounds of the singing bowls dancing with the thousands of crystals in this wonderland. Please bring your photos of those you wish to send energy to, to projects we wish to infuse, to places you wish the energy to fill and to share our collective energy together as conscious collective beings in communion with Spirit.
(Please email soffeah@Pauseinjoy.com for password)