It is that unknowable moment that is different in each person.  Patti always knows who is ready. She says there is temperament, a clarity and a will that cuts through any avoidance or repression. It cannot be forced but it does hear the call. You either know the time is ripe; enough is enough, your sick of being sick, or that thing can no longer be tolerated and sustained. Then it’s time!

Patti allows each person to resonate through their own knowing whether they are drawn to a Dynamic Tapping or { P A U S E } Reiki session . If you resonated with watching her in Heal documentary then maybe the Dynamic Tapping is for you as each has its own specific protocol prior.


Patti has developed a finely-tuned unique unpacking protocol over twenty years. Her intensive email exchange with each participant may take a few days, weeks, even months depending on the participants own self-inquiry, willingness and courage. Most participants attracted to this work with Patti know exactly their patterns, proclivities and traumas emotionally contributing to the impetus of beginning this process. Each participant knows what needs collapsed, eliminate or dissolved that is essentially holding them back, destroying or blocking their life.

Zoom sessions have the same effectiveness as all in-person sessions. Patti has been using Zoom since 2015 with her students and participants globally. Patti has used emergency tapping effectively with participants in their car on a phone, in parks, on film sets, locked in cupboards and at the top of mountains, as extreme circumstances call for creative measures.

Only you know if you are ready to go there.  This deeply spiritual and sacred space is where Patti meets all participants in. In your own time – not hers.  This deep excavation, de-layering and unpacking process is not an ambush but a collaboration to identified patterns, recognize repetitive scenarios, un/known traumas contributing to behaviors, limitations, dis-ease or a diagnosis willingly.

The initial intake for a Dynamic Tapping session includes an extensive email exchange with Patti directly. This is to establish if the participant is ready and intentionally willing to go there – there being that place that everyone knows but sometimes ignores, represses, avoids or numbs out.  This dynamic unpacking can feel like the poison as well as the antidote. As the truth can taste like poison until it becomes your nectar, only those ready to face some buried truths embrace this dynamic exchange. This honest unpacking of gathering history, repetitive patterns, un/conscious limitations creates the blueprint for the 90 minute session.

Due to this very intimate space created by both Patti and participant all appointments must be made by those participating in the session unless incapacitated, in hospice or under 18.

Inperson or Remote Session is 90 minutes, $350.

REIKI SESSION : IN PERSON/REMOTE A { P A U S E } inJOY Reiki session with Patti can be an intensely profound experience, deeply healing and/or existential in nature depending on what the participant need to experience. Being in alignment with Spiritual Conscious Energy life-force brings each person in to re-alignment, balance or homeostasis with themselves as sometimes we drift from our own natural alignment both mentally, physically and spiritually.

A remote { P A U S E } inJOY Reiki session is explained by what Einstein famously called spooky action at a distance, or the instantaneous non-local collapse of the wave function to wherever the particle is detected. This entanglement within the Spiritual Conscious Energy field of both Patti and participant creates a nonlocal phenomenon we call remote healing. Energy is sent through time~space using Patti and the participant’s entanglement for a full astral/causal/physical treatment. Patti has also sent this Spiritual Conscious energy to business meetings, negotiations, projects pitches, operations, mothers in labor as well as the transition of loved ones either in the present or past that may remain unresolved.  It is not only what happens during the session but the 72 hours post session that begins to unravel any further restoration, reset and re-calibration. The session is 90 minutes and $350.

Book A Session

How to prepare your space for your session with Patti

For all zoom sessions please ensure a sacred undisturbed space. Eat lightly and refrain from caffeine prior, drugs or alcohol and bring a large bottle of water to ensure hydration and some tissues.

All appointments must be scheduled by same person participating in the session unless incapacitated, in hospice or under 18.

{ P A U S E } inJOY STUDENT APPLICATION FORM For those that know they feel the call to deepen their connection from more than a session to being on tap Reiki for themselves, their family, friends, children and pets this is for you. You may wish more clarity in your life or an energetic deepening and awareness as a the { P A U S E } inJOY toolbox is that warranty when the creativity awakens. Your deepening of your commitment energetically polishes the intuitive guidance system, untangles your energy from others diminishing the gaslighting from yourself and others while systematically clearing all past traumas, ancestral psychic wounds, inter-generational clearings, past-life disturbances and flipping the script to invert the future/present to being more present. Due to the { P A U S E } inJOY program, its unique philosophy all students begin at Level I as Patti has re-attuned many Reiki Masters from other lineages to find a deepening, a clearing and a fortifying of their connection.

Please download the application here to be a student of { P A U S E} inJOY and email to Owen.