Remembering You is a tuning in and turning on of the light that already exists within you minus the dimmer switch through the attunement process of {P A U S E} inJOY Reiki. Who am I? Know thy Self! To thy self be true were the noble endeavors of self-inquiry to be living not only the your best life but an authentic one. Some deviate so far from their center as they were never shown their life’s compass or traumas destabilized their entire system, as truths can be hard to see when inherited program bought into over the years overrides everything.
This level is all about untangling of your energies with others, a clearing of our energetic field to know, to be and to become more of that, that is. This may sound self-evident but how many times do we know intellectually what we should and could do but go against our self. This re-connection resets the system of our health physically, our mental harmony and spiritual tracking system to remember the mission we came here to live. Your tuning is unique to you and practicing tuning in as well as keeping your channel clear sounds self-evident but it takes time. Policing boundaries, being coerced, manipulated and people pleasing begins to melts away as not only will you wake up but the truth of who you are begins to emerge. This level is you discovering you, the unique essence you have already known but ready to reveal, the joys that are within you waiting to be released while reestablishing healthy relationships authentically.
Sometimes we are to blame for spreading ourselves too thin, over-extending our energetic reservoirs by depleting the reserves and running on empty – just to be liked. Your new sense of tuning to your life-force reserves and the spiritual conscious energy authenticity awakens an empowerment for you to live the full rich life you came here to experience. Re-uniting the mind, body and soul principles in practical terms expands the consciousness to fulfill the secret dream, the suppressed knowing and vision you came here to experience. To have this energy on tap, as you tap into the grid of spiritual consciousness energy you will begin a journey to take more pause in your joy; to take pause in your healing, to take pause in your knowing and through this simple giving/receiving confidence commitment to a discipline easily and joyously. Refocusing our balance between the subtle life-force energy as well as the dense energy of matter presents opportunities to shift, align and capture the abundance of health, well-being and prosperity with more ease and joy. Your intuition will become more acute as a larger spectrum of possibilities reveal themselves delivering new creative potential as fears, anxiety and procrastination are not running the show.
Sometimes we spread ourselves too thin, over-extending our energetic reservoirs by depleting the reserves and running on empty – just to be liked. Your new sense of life-force reserves and the spiritual conscious energy awakens authenticity an empowered you to live the full rich life you came here to experience. Re-uniting the mind, body and soul principles in practical terms expands the consciousness to fulfill the secret dream, the suppressed knowing and vision within. To have this Reiki energy on tap, as you tap into the grid of spiritual consciousness energy you will begin a journey to pause in your joy; to take pause in your healing, to pause in your knowing and through this simple giving/receiving confidence commitment to a discipline easily and joyously. Refocusing our balance between the subtle life-force energy as well as the dense energy of matter presents opportunities to shift, align and capture the abundance of health, well-being and prosperity with more ease and joy to come to you. Your intuition will become more acute as a larger spectrum of possibilities reveal themselves delivering new creative potential as fears, anxiety and procrastination are not running the show. You are also about to integrate specific systems that sabotage you, have the truth revealed in regards to your own mind chatter and turn on your determiner of energy withdrawing from the saboteur. But how do you know you are sabotaging yourself, how do you know you are being oppressed, how do you know you are pretending to be small – because you know you are playing hide and seek with the self as now time is up or you would not be here reading this. As your own consciousness awakens so will those around you. As if by osmosis your own joy awakens their joy but you much also be aware it may repel others, as they didn’t sign up for this version of you.
- Understanding and aligning with the { P A U S E } inJOY philosophy.
- Exploring the intersection of awareness and consciousness through { P A U S E } inJOY as it interfaces with Spiritual Consciousness.
- Integration of practices for your mind, body, and soul with Spiritual Consciousness.
- Learning the fundamental aspects of language and the nuance of energy.
- Visualization, meditation, and attunement to Reiki.
- Learning to scan the bio-energy field.
- Tuning into your Reiki and performing a full-body treatment to the recipient.
- Receiving a full-body treatment while experiencing the experience.
- Learning the chakra system of the body during performing a treatment.
- Articulate your experience, sensations, and intuition during a treatment with clear,
tangible language.
- {P A U S E} inJOY meditation and prescribing your own practice.
- Medical benefits of Reiki, studies, and trials, as the quantum field bio feeds back
- Learn to facilitate a Reiki treatment for sitting posture and self-treatment.
- Re-establishing your knower to be in the driving seat while reducing doubt through practical practice
- Your commitment to your work and teacher. pledging the discipline of your practice.
Class duration is from 10am – 5pm
All students committing to this { P A U S E } inJOY path will fill out the application no matter what level of energy work, study or degree they have pursued in other lineages.
Please download and fill out application
Email application and schedule a zoom meeting with Patti
Potential students considering a commitment to this unique and highly developed spiritual program are asked to fill out and email application.
Patti has met with potential students before registration for over twenty years. She believes this is the beginning of your relationship to trust the energy and its alignment. The student~teacher relationship and the sacred transmission and initiation is a highly intimate connection for Patti. The sacred { P A U S E } inJOY Level I book will be presented before class as a pre-attunement to the energy of the class and the connection you seek within yourself.