August 1, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
Sturgeon SuperMoon in Aquarius Reiki Circle @ Zoom

This amazing Sturgeon SuperMoon of the month soon to be followed by another on SuperMoon in August 30th. This phenomenon of two Full Moons in a single calendar month is relatively rare and is often referred to as a “Once in a Blue Moon.” This does not denote the moon’s color but the once in a Blue Moon is what we will be tapping into as things will be extra, or maybe you will be EXTRA. This is more about the heart center from heartbreak to heart openings. We must develop the courage to say yes this month to life, even those moment that are out of your comfort zone. You may be feeling a little restless like a big fish in a small pond or maybe it’s the Big Fish you are trying to catch. Whatever it is, self-inquiry is key this August. You know when sometimes it’s not you it’s them applies, this month it’s more prudent to ask – maybe it’s me? But that takes a big heartedness cultivated to give yourself some slack. What if it’s something so tiny that you shift that makes all the difference. But you’ll never know if you don’t inquire. Food for thought, then drop into the heart and feed the fish rather than phishing for clues or answers. The obvious sometimes is it.

For over two decades, Patti has been a dedicated facilitator of monthly Reiki Circles within her PiJOY community. These inclusive circles are open to everyone, regardless of their experience with Reiki. Patti’s students find these gatherings to be a source of community support, enhancing their personal practice, while also offering a potent energetic space for those seeking rejuvenation or a long-overdue heart-opening experience.

Drawing from her neolithic Celtic roots, Patti skillfully creates a vibrant vortex of energy during each circle, allowing participants to tap into the energetic currents that flow through us all. She brings the essence of the { P A U S E } inJOY philosophy to life in fresh and dynamic ways every month, uplifting and restoring those who join, and sometimes even transforming  them from the despair in their lives to empowerment in one circle.

The circle consists of two parts. In the first half, called “Spiritual Conscious Energy,” Patti guides us through her unique vortex, helping us release the core issues that weigh on our hearts. Each person receives a potent heart attunement that connects them with their own courage, wholeheartedness, bravery, and abundance. Through this process, Patti reactivates the body’s natural healing intelligence, offering guidance and illumination. The second half of the circle involves a blending of energies, as we come together to generate a powerful collective force. We direct this energy towards the world, sending healing intentions and blessings. Participants are encouraged to bring photos of loved ones, projects in need of energy infusion, and places that require energetic support. In this way, we unite as conscious beings, in communion with Spirit, to share our collective energy and make a positive impact.

Each Reiki Circle produces a unique frequency, a manifestation of the collective energy gathered during the session. This frequency can bring about epiphanies, a deep sense of connection, inner peace, lightness, blessings, or a renewed ability to savor the joy of life. It is an opportunity to pause, bask in the beauty of the moment, and extend that joy beyond ourselves.

Overall, Patti’s monthly Reiki Circles have become a consistent source of nourishment and transformation for the PiJOY community. Her unwavering dedication and her ability to tap into ancient wisdom create a space where individuals can find solace, healing, and a renewed connection to their own inner power.

Please find a quiet peaceful space, turn off cell phones and honor this sacred space by not moving rooms, or be mobile as it is distracting to others on zoom as well as in person events.

Zoom link sent on registration through paypal or venmo.