This isn’t a scare tactic or an attempt to spook you, but we will all need a GRANDE RESET just before Samhain. I heard it loud and clear because I don’t want you to get derailed from the magnificent, momentum-filled energy that’s available for you to tap into this October. Right now, there seem to be two types of people emerging: those who completely shut down when things are out of their control and those who relinquish the illusion of control, staying super-present for intuitive nudges, spontaneous pivots, and life-changing opportunities.Yes, there will be some tricky energy to navigate—but hey, that’s why we found each other on this wild joyride! Are you ready to RESET your system? Instead of tightening into the contraction, let’s breathe into the expansion. We are in times that are both unprecedented and thrilling. You can either take this as a call to step fully into what you came here to experience or let it pull you apart.
This RESET will tune us into the energy that’s already presenting itself in the future. It’s a powerful alignment, calling for us to drop the excuses and navigate the trickiness of what I like to call “narcissistic victim syndrome”—a.k.a. the good old-fashioned energy vampire. We all know one when we see it and feel it from the bombarding projections of the world. Maybe it’s time for you to RESET from being the vampire in your own life, or from letting others drain your energy. Either way, this is the moment to exorcise that parasitic energy that drains your life force, focus, and joy; whatever or whoever it is.
Join us for a night of laughs, uncreating the old, and casting off what no longer serves you. It’s time to step into your power and reclaim your joy! Things will get spooky, but that is why we are here.
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