May 15, 2023 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
On Zoom
21 Days of { P A U S E } inJOY M E D I T A T I O N @ On Zoom

{ P A U S E } inJOY M I N D ~ F I E L D   M E D I T A T I O N
MAY 8th, 15th, 22nd

MONDAYS 5.30pm-6.30pm PST

They say it takes 21 days to break a habit so it must take twenty one days to create a habit. We all now how important meditation truly is to hear the inner voice one must be able to silence the chatter of the mind. To hone in on the { P A U S E } mindfield each day in energetically attuned meditation alleviates the minefield that is being created through imagery, bombardment in media and the ability to shield yourself from power of suggestion that are everywhere telling you, your unworthiness to fear mongering.

Each week will explore the depth of the { P A U S E } from the acronym that came through those early days of our global shutdown to the that sacred place you will land each week quicker and easier than before entering inJOY the field that is within you. There will be no rejection or overcoming of mind-chatter as you discover what it truly is. By attuning in, we begin to tune out any and all distractions to know the grace of life from within. Meditation is in itself an artificial act, to counter the artificial-self in discovery of the true essence from the relentless bombardment of our mind.

This will be an uncomplicated, simple, inJOYable embrace you just being, you, right now being held in the O Consciousness of your own knowing and owning that love flows through you always. These three Mondays on Zoom will be followed by a 20 minute IG live for us to connect to a larger collective and practice what each learning of the week.