{ P A U S E } inJOY Reiki I students may advance to post thirty-day of their practice to level II. The teachings are not for a faint hearted and as such Patti allows each student the knowing to advance to this level II in their own time passed the 30 days. A clue is usually when past glitches become hard to ignore and the past begins to flag in the present effecting the future. This amplification to integrate all the glitches can seem like a mountain to climb but when you are ready it is hard to not feel the pull. Patti does not teach ego scapegoating to clear blockages, obstacles and inherited beliefs and as such this level is referred to as the #gamechanger by past students. This level is for those students wishing to forge a deeper connection to the force within the Universe and be that force uninhibited by past or present glitches censoring future possibilities and visions. This immense commitment to to clear, heal and accept the past as well as honoring each yearly landmark of being you shifts consciousness through its participation as you are volunteering to dig up the caveats.
As glitches begin to emerge learning and executing the Dynamic Tapping to collapse and clear while excavating every year of your life is an unforgettable experience. You will learn to tune into three distinct frequencies with acute awareness of their vibration, their potential and their algorithm in your life. These keys only focus your intent as a reservoir of energy behind each symbol that is your connection. Connecting you faster to the unified field, while another calms and stills the emotions and lastly, to send energy through time-space. As this level is practitioner level, heal yourself or others one must start cleaning your own house unresolved issues will only come to the surface to amplify their release. { P A U S E } inJOY Reiki II unveils an awareness that has no room for blame, or excuses but identifies addictions, emotional tranquilizers and all personal distractions that have impeded your evolution to your own divine nature.
You will learn to liberate yourself from eons of THINKING small, thinking in self preservation and most of all thinking in lack from a fear based mentality. As we sending energy to every year in your life the transformation will reunite you to the person you always knew you had the potential to be.
All repeat classes are 50% off for current students wanting to refresh with their Teacher, or just want another two days connecting, re-attuned and re-membering.
Subconscious becomes conscious forging an alliance to re-establish trust, abundance mentality and energetic integrity.
+ Awareness of emotional tranquilizers while committing to dissolve, clear and recalibrate new subconscious visioneering.
+ The sacred attuning to expand connection your connection further while increasing your ability to channel three distinct streams of energy.
+ Giving and receiving an emotional treatments using the new technique to connect to your Reiki faster with specific focus intent.
+ Developing intuitive and instinctive forces within the body.
+ Undertaking the committing to send energy through time and space to anoint every year of your life and integrate every glitch sabotaging your life.
+ Deepening your { P A U S E } inJOY Meditation Practice using the sacred mantra
+ Sending distance Reiki to two designated recipients using proxy items.
+ Planning and implementing sending energy to every year in your life for 30 days, not consecutive (Must Journal)
+ Learn and use Dynamic Tapping to clear and collapse all limitations, saboteurs lurking in those years you excavate.
This level of attunement is for { P A U S E } inJOY students already attuned by Patti. Students from other lineages interested in Patti’s { P A U S E } inJOY teachings will be asked to begin with the foundations. Patti has taught many Reiki Masters from other lineages as this path offers a specific philosophy and excavation unlike any other. Certification will be offered after completion of journal of exclusive exercise. Patti reserves the right to ask for this exercise to be repeated if necessary.